45 research outputs found

    Cloud based testing of business applications and web services

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    This paper deals with testing of applications based on the principles of cloud computing. It is aimed to describe options of testing business software in clouds (cloud testing). It identifies the needs for cloud testing tools including multi-layer testing; service level agreement (SLA) based testing, large scale simulation, and on-demand test environment. In a cloud-based model, ICT services are distributed and accessed over networks such as intranet or internet, which offer large data centers deliver on demand, resources as a service, eliminating the need for investments in specific hardware, software, or on data center infrastructure. Businesses can apply those new technologies in the contest of intellectual capital management to lower the cost and increase competitiveness and also earnings. Based on comparison of the testing tools and techniques, the paper further investigates future trend of cloud based testing tools research and development. It is also important to say that this comparison and classification of testing tools describes a new area and it has not yet been done

    Formula Student Front Wheel Hub Carrier

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá uložením předního kola vozu kategorie Formule Student. Obsahuje různé způsoby uložení a zavěšení kola formulových i osobních vozidel. Hlavní náplní této práce je tvorba výkresové dokumentace jednotlivých součástí uložení předního kola Formule Student. Dále je proveden kontrolní výpočet trvanlivosti ložisek při klidné jízdě po rovné vozovce.This thesis deals with assessment front wheel carrier of Formula Student. It contains various ways assessment and suspension of wheel formula and a car. The main contens is production of drawing documentation parts the Formula Student front wheel hub carrier. The next is realization of calculated the durability bearing to soft journey of straight on the roadway.

    Formula Front Wheel Carrier Design Modification

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem náboje předního kola vozu kategorie Formule Student v systému CAD. Obsahuje porovnání konstrukčního provedení nábojů, různé způsoby uložení a zavěšení kola formulových vozidel. Je zde uvedeno několik variant navržených těhlic. V první fázi je navrženo uspořádání sestavy kola Formule Student a dále je provedena výpočtová simulace napjatosti náboje předního kola a jeho konstrukčních úprav pomocí MKP.This thesis deals with the structural design of front wheel hub of Formula Student the car categories in the CAD system. It includes comparison to proposal design of the hubs, different concept of wheel-seat and wheel suspension of a formula cars and a motor-cars. There is described a few version of design front wheel carrier. The first step is proposed assembly wheel of Formula Student and the next step is realized analytic simulation a stress by FEM of the front wheel carrier and his construction modifications.

    Management of Development Projects

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá developerským projektem 21 rodinných domů na okraji obce Podolí u Brna, realizovaným stavební společností Kaláb, spol. s r.o. Popisuje organizační strukturu zmíněné společnosti a zkoumá její postupy při stanovování rizik, proces investičního rozhodování v předinvestiční fázi projektu, financování projektu, plánování a řízení času pomocí časových harmonogramů. Sleduje také jednotlivé kroky při realizaci projektu a záznamy o kontrole prací na staveništi. Zároveň práce přináší analýzu současného developerského trhu v Brně, zejména vývoje logistiky a kancelářské a rezidenční výstavby. Sleduje rovněž vývoj cen na trhu s těmito nemovitostmi a průběh výstavby nových bytů v ČR za posledních deset let.The thesis analyses a development project of 21 houses in the village of Podolí u Brna, which was carried out by Kaláb – stavební firma, spol. s r.o. It provides a description of the company structure and focuses on some of their processes, such as risk analysis, investment decisions in the pre-investment project phase, project funding, planning, and time management based on time schedules. The text also takes a close look at all the steps that were taken during the implementation of the Podolí project, and zooms in on regular on-site records monitoring how much work has been actually done. Furthermore, the thesis brings an analysis of the current developer market in Brno, focusing in particular on latest developments in logistics, and office & residential construction. And last but not least, the thesis also observes how prices in the real estate market have developed over the last decade and how new residential units in the Czech Republic have been lately built.

    Graphical Markov models: overview

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    We describe how graphical Markov models started to emerge in the last 40 years, based on three essential concepts that had been developed independently more than a century ago. Sequences of joint or single regressions and their regression graphs are singled out as being best suited for analyzing longitudinal data and for tracing developmental pathways. Interpretations are illustrated using two sets of data and some of the more recent, important results for sequences of regressions are summarized.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Graphical Markov models, unifying results and their interpretation

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    Graphical Markov models combine conditional independence constraints with graphical representations of stepwise data generating processes.The models started to be formulated about 40 years ago and vigorous development is ongoing. Longitudinal observational studies as well as intervention studies are best modeled via a subclass called regression graph models and, especially traceable regressions. Regression graphs include two types of undirected graph and directed acyclic graphs in ordered sequences of joint responses. Response components may correspond to discrete or continuous random variables and may depend exclusively on variables which have been generated earlier. These aspects are essential when causal hypothesis are the motivation for the planning of empirical studies. To turn the graphs into useful tools for tracing developmental pathways and for predicting structure in alternative models, the generated distributions have to mimic some properties of joint Gaussian distributions. Here, relevant results concerning these aspects are spelled out and illustrated by examples. With regression graph models, it becomes feasible, for the first time, to derive structural effects of (1) ignoring some of the variables, of (2) selecting subpopulations via fixed levels of some other variables or of (3) changing the order in which the variables might get generated. Thus, the most important future applications of these models will aim at the best possible integration of knowledge from related studies.Comment: 34 Pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl

    E-Government development index and its comparison in the EU member states

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    This paper deals with a comparison of the e-Government development index, which is presented by the United Nations since 2003, usually every two years. It compares and describes the progress of this index between the years 2008 and 2014 in the European Union Member States in the context of the economic decline and the global recession. It also considers factors contributing to successful e-Government implementation, such as unemployment or inflation rate. The purpose of the submitted research study is to identify the influence of the selected macroeconomic indicators on the e-Government development index. The methodology of this research study comprised bibliographic studies, analysis of specialised reports, statistical analyses and evaluations. The main methods used were descriptive, correlation and the cluster analysis, which was in this case represented by the connectivity model (hierarchical clustering) as well as the centroid model (K-means clustering). The findings confirmed that the global recession and the Eurozone crisis have influenced the progress of the e-Government in the evaluated years. This research study provides insights that may be useful in improving the implementation of e-Government services

    Portals of public administration in the EU countries

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    Diplomová práce pojednává o vývoji eGovernmentu a portálech veřejné správy v jednotlivých zemích EU. Teoretická část popisuje vývoj elektronizace veřejné správy na úrovni EU jako celku a také v jednotlivých členských zemích. Samostatná kapitola je věnována vývoji a současnému stavu v České republice. V praktické části je provedeno testování a hodnocení použitelnosti portálů veřejné správy v zemích EU. Na základě těchto výsledků je poté navrhnut model uživatelského rozhraní a modely vybraných elektronických služeb.This diploma work deals with the development of eGovernment and the portals of public administration in each countries of the EU. The theoretical part describes the development of the electronization of public administration at the level of the EU and in each member countries. A separate chapter is devoted to the development and current situation in the Czech Republic. In the practical part is realized the usability testing and evaluating of the portals of public administration in the countries of the EU. Based on these results is designed model of user interface and models of selected electronic services.Ústav systémového inženýrství a informatikyStudent seznámil s výsledky své diplomové práce na téma Portály veřejné správy v zemích EU. Prezentoval výstupy a přínosy. Otázky komise byly směřovány na oblast segmentační analýzy. Autor na otázky pohotově odpovídal. Otázky komise: Jak jste při shlukové analýze měřil parametr č. 6 - "naučitelnost"? Předcházelo použité segmentaci? Jsou mezi vašimi zvolenými vstupy závislosti? Řešil jste to nějak?Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Problem areas in the management of children's home

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    Centrum školského managementuFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult